
Tutor Fellowship Getaway 2024

The Tutor Fellowship Getaway 2024 (TFG2024) took place on 17-18 August 2024 at The Everly, Putrajaya, gathering around 100 enthusiastic tutors from across all regions, including South, West, East, Klang Valley, and Sabah & Sarawak. This memorable event was designed to bring together tutors for a weekend of learning, reflection, and camaraderie.

The first day of TFG2024 was packed with engaging activities. It began with an ice-breaking session that set a positive tone and encouraged participants to connect with one another. This was followed by a “Tutor Self Reflection” session, where tutors were given the opportunity to introspect on their experiences, challenges, and successes as OUM tutors.

Later in the day, participants took part in a creative video-making session titled “Our Messages to the Learners.” This group activity allowed tutors to share their wisdom and insights in a fun and innovative way. The day culminated in a vibrant Gala Dinner, themed “Black & Red,” where everyone gathered to celebrate. The evening was further enlivened by 20 rounds of lucky draws and the exciting nomination of the Best Dressed Award, making it a night to remember.

The second day of TFG2024 continued with enriching activities, including group presentations that showcased the collaborative spirit of the tutors. A highlight of the day was the “Riddle Me This” activity, which added an element of fun and challenge to the event. The session with the Deans provided valuable insights and fostered meaningful discussions about the future of tutoring.

The event concluded with a formal closing ceremony, marking the end of a successful and inspiring getaway. Participants left the event with new perspectives, stronger connections, and a renewed sense of purpose in their roles as educators.

TFG2024 was a resounding success, and the organizing team is already looking forward to planning future events with the same energy and spirit. Stay tuned for more exciting updates, and don’t forget to check out the video clip capturing all the unforgettable moments from the event!

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