About Us

In 2010, the Institute for Teaching and Learning Advancement (ITLA) was established and was responsible for ensuring and improving the quality of teaching and learning in OUM. There were three centres under ITLA ie. Centre for Tutor Management and Development (CTMD), Centre for Assessment of Prior Learning (CAPL), dan Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (CTLA).

In 2017, ITLA was restructured. CAPL was then renamed to Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning Centre (APELC) and CTLA was renamed to Center for Learning Technology (CLT). CTMD went through several changes and its own restructuring for a few years until April 2022 under the new name – Center for Teaching and Learning Management (CTLM).

CTLM was established with the following objectives:

  1. Promote teaching, learning, and open education assessment activities throughout the life of OUM learners;
  2. Manage tutor affairs including coordinating recruitment/recruitment, training, evaluation, and monitoring as well as the development of all tutors.

Our Mission

To provide exceptional hybrid and flexible learning experiences for OUM learners.

Our Roles

  • Improve the quality of teaching and learning practices by promoting T&L innovations through R&D.
  • Ensure overall quality of teaching and learning across the OUM community.
  • Enhance the capability of tutors.