Tutor Support

The Tutor Management unit is responsible for the following:

  • Assign and tag tutors to courses offered every semester.
  • Facilitate the evaluation and monitoring of tutor performance including course evaluation.
  • Train tutors on areas related to teaching and learning, usage of the learning system, roles, and, responsibilities.
  • Active communication to ensure tutors are kept informed.
  • Continuous services to ensure effective e-Tutorial and forum activities.
  • Handles tutor payments every semester.

Tutor Scheme

A discount of 20% of the tuition fee will be given to tutors who enroll in any of OUM’s programmes.
Requirements for the discount are as follows:

Have registered and active as a student of Open University Malaysia.

Have served at least 9 semesters as part-time academics at Open University Malaysia.

Is currently active as a part-time academic at Open University Malaysia.

Possess a valid teaching permit.

The discount rate is effective from the semester approved onwards and fix throughout the studies. 
Discount is applicable on tuition fees only.

For current active tutors who are interested in the scheme, please email to

Tutor Community

To encourage communication and good relationship between OUM and tutors, CTLM provides the following communities in myINSPIRE:

TDU Support for Tutors (TDUSFT)

TDUSFT is a community forum for tutors and CTLM. The forum is used for tutors to get new information from CTLM and knowledge sharing with other tutors in the current semester.

Course Leader – Tutor Interaction Forum

Course Leaders have an important role to play in ensuring tutors have the qualities, skills, and knowledge to deliver the courses to the learners. This forum allows discussions on the course content and assessment between tutors and the Course Leaders.

WhatsApp Group

For fast and easy information dissemination, each Learning Center managed its own tutors and keep them updated through the WhatsApp group.

Teaching Permit

All OUM tutors MUST obtain a teaching permit issued by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). It is a compulsory requirement for anyone who wishes to teach in an educational institution in Malaysia.

To obtain a teaching permit in Malaysia, individuals need to meet certain requirements and provide supporting documents to KPT.  Please contact CTLM to assist in the application process.

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